WoW 10.2 Guardians of the Dream - The Good and the MEH features

Описание к видео WoW 10.2 Guardians of the Dream - The Good and the MEH features

WoW 10.2 Guardians of the Dream patch was just announced and it is time for me to chip in my 2 cents on the topic of what is exciting about the Emerald Dream patch vs. NOT REALLY...

Will they make this a real Druid Patch that WoW Community was asking for for years, or will it be another new zone, new raid, new quests standard template but all covered in green?

WoW Dragonflight has been a successful expansion so far with a reliable patch cadence where we've received some new content every 3 months with the next patch being Guardians of the Dream 10.2 arriving some time in early December 2023.

Let's discuss what can we expect!


00:00 - Intro
00:30 - Video topics
01:30 - New Zone
02:20 - New Raid
04:45 - New Legendary
05:30 - World Events
07:00 - New Renown
08:30 - Dragonriding
09:30 - Season 3
10:25 - Druid Things
12:50 - My Plans
15:20 - Wrapping up

🎵 My big thanks for the Free Music by the amazing artists ‪@neffexmusic‬ , ‪@teknoaxe‬ , ‪@AfterInfinityMusic‬

#dragonflight #worldofwarcraft #wow


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