How does skin feel after a Glycolic peel? - Dr. Rajdeep Mysore

Описание к видео How does skin feel after a Glycolic peel? - Dr. Rajdeep Mysore

Glycolic peel is one of the most common outpatient procedure done in dermatologic clinic. so why is it the most common procedure because it can used to treat a lot of condition not only can it be used to treat pimples and pigmentation but it can also be used in normal people for develop sun tan after a long exposure to sunlight it can also be used in people with perfectly normal skin who wanted glow for their skin. So what is glycolic acid do, glycolic acid peels of the top red layer of the skin and makes new skin grow giving the skin glow, the top dead layer contains most of the pigment and bacteria related to pimple which come off after the peel. So what can a person undergoing glycolic peel expect, generally while undergoing a peel the person feel a small prickly sensation or itching sensation when appeal is applied on the skin. This mild feeling of the skin which is microscopic and not visible to the patient the patient might feel dryness or some powdery kind of feeling on the face for the first 4 to 5 days after the peel, thus we advise the patients certain different kind of medicines to heal the skin for the first 5 days after a glycolic peel. Also since the top layer of the skin remove the skin becomes more sensitive to sun light and we ask the patients to strictly avoid sunlight for the first 5 days after the peel and even subsequently till the next peel. The general precautions after undergoing a glycolic peel is to use the sunscreen twice or thrice a day depending on the type of sunscreen they use and depending on their skin type and use some skin rejuvenating agents like human epidermal growth factor which is available as gel to be applied twice daily for the first 5 days after he peel.


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