《短影片》「西德藍寶石」入侵, 台灣馬口魚力拼!

Описание к видео 《短影片》「西德藍寶石」入侵, 台灣馬口魚力拼!

巴西珠母麗魚, 俗稱「西德藍寶石」, 原產於南美洲, 被引進台灣, 做為觀賞魚。 由於遭到棄養, 放生於台灣的溪流, 而迅速在台灣的河流繁殖。在台北、桃園、宜蘭、基隆等縣市的河川中極為普遍。最近我在平溪野人谷的新寮溪就有發現西德藍寶石的蹤跡,連這麼偏僻少有遊客的野溪都被這種外來魚種入侵了。
Pearl Cichlid (Geophagus brasiliensis), commonly known as "West German sapphire". This fish is native to South America. This fish was introduced to Taiwan as an ornamental fish. Due to the fish was abandoned and released in rivers of Taiwan, It is rapidly multiplying in the rivers of Taiwan. I found there are Pearl Cichlid in the Xinliao River of Pingxi Wild Valley recently. Even the wild stream, which is so remote and has few tourists. have been invaded by this exotic fish.
西德藍寶石繁殖力強, 又會吃其它魚類的魚卵,因此嚴重威脅到台灣本土魚種的生存,形成生態浩劫。例如: 我家附近台北市信義區的虎山溪,現在溪流中就有很多西德藍寶石,虎山溪的台灣本土魚種, 現在已經大幅減少。我發現只有台灣馬口魚的數量還相對穩定,能夠成功對抗西德藍寶石的入侵,在虎山溪存活下來。為什麼呢? 我也不知道答案。台灣馬口魚, 請繼續加油! 我會常來看你。
Pearl Cichlid is highly fertile, it also eat the eggs of other fish, Therefore, it seriously threatens the survival of native fish species in Taiwan. Example: Hushan Creek in Xinyi District, Taipei City, near my home, There are many Pearl Cichlids in the creek now. Taiwan native fish species at Hushan Creek have now been drastically reduced. I found that only the numbers of Candidia barbata are relatively stable, It is able to successfully resist the invasion of Pearl Cichlid and survive at Hushan Creek. Why? I don't know the answer. Candidia barbata, Keep up the good work, I will come to see you often.


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