Splatoon 2 - Road to 2700 [Splat Zones Ranked]

Описание к видео Splatoon 2 - Road to 2700 [Splat Zones Ranked]

My sensitivity is -2 (motion) 0 (sticks). My gear can be seen at 1:08:16.
For more updated gear go here: https://www.sendou.ink/u/brian
Twitter:   / brianthedrumer  

Finally managed to get an X power rank above 2700 which I haven't done yet up until now. I recorded my two last rotations on Splat Zones which I put together.
Ranked at this power can be pretty annoying since most of the time you will only gain just a few points and lose a bunch. Western ranked just doesn't function properly at this point since it's designed to match you with players of similar rank, except it can't so the average lobby power is sometimes even 400 points lower, even just finding a top 500 player is pretty rare. Still hoping for the day they remove ping based matchmaking.

Since the video is pretty long I decided to cut some of the unnecessary parts in the results screen.


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