Avian Vet Insider 28: What Your Vet Needs to Know

Описание к видео Avian Vet Insider 28: What Your Vet Needs to Know

A Lafeber Pet Birds Webinar series hosted by Laura Doering, former editor of Bird Talk magazine and Birds USA magazine with special guest, Dr. Stephanie Lamb, DVM, DABVP (Avian Practice) and President of the Association of Avian Veterinarians. In this episode, Dr. Lamb discusses what your Avian Vet needs to know in order to provide the best veterinary care for your bird. When your pet bird is sick, it’s very stressful for the bird & the owner. The last thing you want to do is answer a lot of questions, and it can leave some owners feeling like they are being judged. But every little detail can give your vet clues to what might be going on. Some examples of things a vet might ask is cage size, room temperature, & diet. Be specific – “a big cage” is not as helpful as giving the general dimensions as well as the shape of the cage. Naming the brands of food you offer, and specifics about fresh foods & treats, can be valuable information for your Vet. Dr. Lamb explains why certain information is needed and why it can help with a diagnosis in this insider’s view of the daily happenings at your Avian Vet’s clinic.


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