My Skull Collection So Far | 62 Different Skulls

Описание к видео My Skull Collection So Far | 62 Different Skulls

I have skulls from an American Alligator, House Sparrow, White-Tailed Deer, Mouse, Common Snapping Turtle, Red-Eared Slider, Coyote, Mink, Muskrat, Great Plains Toad, Nine-Banded Armadillo, Long-Tailed Weasel, North American River Otter, Indian Cobra, Porcupine, Channel Catfish, Striped Skunk, Virginia Opossum, Beaver, Raccoon, Gray Wolf, Cow, Prehistoric Bison, Hamster, Domestic Cat, Cottontail Rabbit, Turkey, Jackrabbit, Tanuki, Red Fox, Painted Turtle, European Starling, Garter Snake, Cricket Frog, Flathead Catfish, and jaws from 14 different species of sharks, as well as the beaks of a Reef Squid and a Giant Pacific Octopus.


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