If You Love Me * Victuri CMV - Yuri on Ice

Описание к видео If You Love Me * Victuri CMV - Yuri on Ice

This is suppose to take place after episode 12, so it's just a cute after thought video we came up with. I just really adore this song and I thought it suited them from episode 12 and such. Because they can't seem to stay apart from each other and have this unbreakable bond and anyway, it's just so beautiful *___*

I figured they would probably have time apart for a month or so and then meet up to train together. It was just a fun, cute video idea we came up with.

The cover of this song is found here
   • Panic! At The Disco - This Is Gospel ...  

ALSO my awesome Viktor cosplay is from here:
Use my code Sasu for 10 percent off your order ^^

Annndddd this video was recorded by a good friend of ours. ^^ Thanks Wolfie.

Lastly, please follow our social medias below. We mostly are on instagram and we do life streams quite often =D

Viktor's Instagram:   / sasurealian  
Viktor's deviantrt: http://sasurealian.deviantart.com/
Yuuri's Deviant art: is: http://creativelea.deviantart.com/
Yuuri's Instagram   / creativelea2  


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