Setup TP-Link Deco X50 with the Hills Home Hub and multiple Netgear switches with ethernet backhaul

Описание к видео Setup TP-Link Deco X50 with the Hills Home Hub and multiple Netgear switches with ethernet backhaul

How to setup your TP-Link Deco devices using multiple Netgear switches and the Hills Home Hub. This setup will allow you to have the mesh Wi-Fi with ethernet backhaul to also ethernet to all ports throughout your house. I will show you how to test your Decos to make sure they don't have a fault and also how I trouble shooted my setup.

Common reasons why ethernet backhaul isn't working:
Faulty ethernet cables
Switch not capable of handling backhaul. Typically, most unmanaged gigabit switches can handle it however some D-Link ones are known to not work.
Faulty wiring within your house and the Hills Home Hub
Having your switches before your Deco

My setup is as follows:
3 x TP-Link Deco X50 (running in Router mode)
2 x Netgear Gigabit 8 port switches (unmanaged)
Hills Home Hub
Standard Telstra Smart Modem (WIFI TURNED OFF!!)

My configuration is:

DSL from Hills Home Hub into room where the modem is situated and the DSL cable is then plugged into the DSL port on the modem. Important that the WIFI is turned off on the modem!

Next, connect and ethernet cable from a port on the modem to the top port on the main Deco. This gives the main deco internet via ethernet.

Next, connect the second port on the main deco to the other ethernet port on the wall in the room where the modem is located. This will send the internet signal back down to the Hills Home Hub.

Next, connect the port from the previous step from the Hills Home Hub to the Netgear switch. This gives the switch internet access.

Next, connect all other ports throughout the house to the Netgear switch. This gives all other ports in the house internet access.

My second Deco X50 is located in the kitchen. I then connect the top port on this Deco to the kitchen ethernet wall jack. This gives the second Deco ethernet backhaul.

Finally, in my lounge room I connect a second Netgear switch to the wall jack and then connect the third Deco to the Netgear switch. This gives the final Deco ethernet backhaul and also allows me to connect my lounge room devices via ethernet.

---------- Contents of this video --------------
00:00 Intro and common issues
01:08 Test your Decos for unit faults
02:08 Test your switch to ensure it is compatible
04:01 Hills Home Hub overview
05:30 Test the switch with two decos and Hills Home Hub for faults
07:20 Testing continued - How to number your wall ports
08:20 Testing result
09:19 Faulty cable causing issue
09:55 Faulty cable rectified
10:10 Run ethernet to all house ports
10:49 Hills Home Hub complete
11:39 Second switch setup
12:24 Complete setup run down


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