I Didn't Choose the Spider Cult Life, the Spider Cult Life Chose Me | Age of Wonders 4 - Unbeheld #1

Описание к видео I Didn't Choose the Spider Cult Life, the Spider Cult Life Chose Me | Age of Wonders 4 - Unbeheld #1

The cataclysm-wracked world has lain dormant for eons, scarred and broken by the wars of the ancient wizard-kings of old. Now, it shudders with new life. Many are they who rise from the ashes to reclaim lost power. New nations, led by new champions, or bound to the will of new wizard-kings rise up amidst the ruins of old, each vying for supremacy. Will they unite the realm, or will they only tear it asunder again?

Among them, King Leofric Shale of the Kingdom of Gelland, claiming a lineage to one of the ancient kings of old, seeks to establish a grand, feudal realm under his rightful rule.

Similarly driven by a self-imposed right to rule, Torbeld Dragonkiller, Warden King of the Deephelm Clan, greedily delves deep for riches and power within the bowels of the earth, spurring his people onward with industrious vigor.

And Rhazhar Zhadathrum, First Claw of the Zhad Ur Shadal, once slaves to the wizard-kings of old, seeks to forge a new path for his people, a path where they will decide their own fate, on their own terms, by claw, spell, and mace should that be necessary.

But there are other forms of rule, ; for Archvizier Mustafa ibn Nazir of the Brass Dominion seeks to establish a magocratic hegemony that will stabilize the destructive magicks of the world, and prevent the cataclysm from ever happening again.

Similarly, Vyrenwe the Radiant, Exalted Lady of the Covenant of Vines, seeks to rebalance the world, establishing harmony between the rampant magicks and verdant growth claiming the realm, and felling the monstrous aberrations that would defy the natural order.

But a darker, more sinister power rises, the Cult of the Ashen Hand, led by the ancient wizard-queen turned high priestess, Zenith the Godvessel. The Cult toils surreptitiously beneath the punishing sun to uncover the secrets of the ancient cataclysm, and to bind all who oppose them to their will.

But there are those who would defy order, rule and unity, for the sake of chaos and anarchy.

Khorzgul ul-Lok, Lashmaster and Reaver Chieftain of the Redwake Orcs, raises a vast and terrible horde to despoil and savage the lands, seeking plunder and glory amidst the flames of conquest.

And Grix Heart-Eater, Shaman Queen of the Bloodpeak Goblins leads her swarming minions across the world, reveling in wanton bloodshed and carnage to sate her lust for mayhem.

But down in the deep, there is another force. Another power. And that... is where this story will take us. Many years ago, Cynarix, a raven-haired girl with the gift of foresight, was born to the Kingdom of Gelland, and kept as a curiosity within the fledgling court of King Leofric Shale. Named the King's Truthspeaker, the child's words were often twisted and used by the King as proof of his ancient lineage and divine right. But in truth, her words were the utterances of a mind plagued by nightmares. By visions of some nameless, terrible thing, weaving webs of schemes in the deep darkness below the shattered earth. Her terror called out to that which she dreamt of, and in turn, the thing in the darkness dispatched its coven of cannibalistic worshippers to take her, and bring her before its many eyed gaze.

Stolen from Leofric's court, and brought down into bowels of the earth by her captors, Cynarix was presented to the nameless thing from her nightmares, the old god known only as the Spinner-in-Darkness, the girl's eyes were pierced by its fangs so that her newly infused, god-poisoned blood could act as a catalyst for her visions of the future. With this terrible gift coursing through her veins, the girl-turned Blind Oracle was given to the Spinner-in-Darkness' worshippers, the cannibal coven known as the Unbeheld, to act as a guide. A guide that would ensure their dominion over the lands beneath, and allow them to venture once more to the world above from which they had once been banished.

For the cataclysm ended the age of the wizard-kings of old, and opened the gate for an ancient evil to return and secure dominion over the world. Gone is the age of sorcery, the age of man, elf, dwarf and orc. Enter... the Age of the Spider.

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