The McMukbang (9,000 Calorie McDonald's Feast) | BeardMeatsFood

Описание к видео The McMukbang (9,000 Calorie McDonald's Feast) | BeardMeatsFood

Suffering from a heavy three day hangover after arriving home from a stag party in Munich this weekend, I looked to the only cure I know...McDonalds!

Just for a change, I figured I'd try out a mukbang! I get a lot of questions asking about my past and present, so thought I'd give a 'brief history of Beard' while I ate, rather than eating against the clock as usual!

Sorry it's taken so long to get this video up. Things have been a little hectic lately and I've had a lot of other commitments to take care of, but we should be back to normality for the next few weeks!


-Thanks to Florian Haack for his badass metal Street Fighter covers. Check him out on Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud & YouTube.
-Total cost of meal was £43.60.
-Total calories: 9048
  / beardmeatsfood  
Insta/Twitter: @BeardMeatsFood to start your own quest for gluttonous glory!


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