The Evolution Of Tame Impala

Описание к видео The Evolution Of Tame Impala

I always hear from other Tame Impala fans what they think Kevin will do next or them asking why has it changed. I hope this can explain certain parts of Tame Impala’s history as well as why Tame Impala will always change. Each era of the band is different from the last and I hope Kevin continues this after The Slow Rush.

0:00 - Intro
1:05 - Early Tame Impala
2:49 - InnerSpeaker
5:49 - Lonerism
8:06 - Currents
14:12 - The Slow Rush


Check out all of the unreleased Tame Impala tracks and recordings here:

If you would like to check out what I do, my Tame Impala videos are here:

All the clips and music from the video are not mine and can be found here:


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