Ace Combat 7: Skies Restored - [X20A Strike Freedom/YF-29 Durandal] 06 - Long Day

Описание к видео Ace Combat 7: Skies Restored - [X20A Strike Freedom/YF-29 Durandal] 06 - Long Day

The next few days were uneventful to say the least. But that was exactly the problem. The solitary wing of the Zapland base was pretty much filled to capacity with various members of Spare Squadron, Trigger included.

"Not quite the hero's welcome I was expecting," thought Trigger. He was promptly herded along with the others into solitary the moment he landed.
"Maybe I should have let that last bomber blow up that clown that calls himself a commander if this is the thanks we get for saving his ass," Trigger muttered angrily.

Just then his cell door opened, he could hear other cell doors being opened. A guard poked his head in.

"Out, prisoner. You have your next assignment," he said. As Trigger exited the cell and followed the other prisoners escorted by more guards, "Thanks," came the whisper.

Trigger looked back at the guard behind him. The guard simply said "Keep moving," his expression neutral, betraying no emotion. But his voice seemed a little gentler than the rough tone he used during Trigger's first days.

Even if it was just Trigger's imagination, it did make him feel just a bit better.

"Quite the big shot you turned out to be, huh," said Champ. The man was quite large even for military. Trigger wasn't intimidated but he was quite impressed by Champ's physique.

"Hmph. Not bad. Most new bloods tend to shrink from me, but you make straight eye contact. I thought that you might be someone like me, but looks you have even colder shit running through your veins," said Champ.

"Mind I ask what you're in for?" asked Trigger.

"What's it matter? Down here, you're treated just the same whether you have just one Sin Line or three. Naturally since I have two, you can bet what I'm in for is some nasty business," grinned Champ.

"How about you two flirts pipe down. My head's killing me from that hot cell of mine," said Count.

"Sorry to break it you, Count, but our headaches are just starting and yours is sure to get worse," said Full Band.

"Oh great. You found something again, didn't you?" said Tabloid.

"Now, now. It's going to be in the briefing. Honestly, I've been kinda excited,"

"Can I join in on this? Anything we can gamble on," asked High Roller.

"A bit too late. They'll spill it now," said Full Band as they got into the briefing room and took their seats.

* * * * *

"Oh yeah!! Time to kick some ass on enemy turf for a change!" yelled Champ as his VF-27 took off.

"Shut it, Champ. High Roller get going! Count your bets in the air, not on the runway," said the controller tower.

"Haha, he got mad! I win!" said High Roller as his YF-29 took off. "Always a safe bet!"

"Spare 2, Count, taking off. Keep up, murderer. I'll show you some real flying today" said Count as his YF-29 took off.

Trigger and Tabloid were the last to take off. Tabloid was also in a YF-29 but Trigger was the only one flying a Gundam. Additionally, this time an additional aircraft was closely following trigger - the support module for the Strike Freedom, METEOR. While various Gundam and Valkyrie models have been around for a few years, the METEOR along with ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam were still new units that haven't been out of the prototype stage for more than a few months. Specifically designed for the Strike Freedom, and one other Gundam that hadn't come out yet, it had rudimentary AI that enabled it to follow it at a safe distance, ready for the Mobile Suit to dock with it. The last time he had used a METEOR was during the defense of For Grays Island.

The Osean headquarters had apparently sent it with the expectation that Spare Squadron would assist in attacking the Erusean base in the Roca Roja desert region of southern Usea.

"Even for a large air base, giving a METEOR to a prisoner seems to be overkill. I'm guessing that much of the Osean military is unaware of the true nature of the 444th air base squadron," thought Trigger. "They must have the impression that we're mostly just the reserves. But who would ever think there's a military that utilizes prisoners in a squadron boasting new technology. Guess the war is really going bad for Osea if they are arming 'reservists' with all this hardware."

It wasn't long before they were over the operation area. Trigger's radar warning started beeping. The enemies had already detected them.

"Some welcome," muttered AWACS Bandog. "All aircraft, spread out and attack."


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