Lil Chris's Yazoo Assembly - I Never Never Noticed ...Only You (Pup's Realisation Mix)

Описание к видео Lil Chris's Yazoo Assembly - I Never Never Noticed ...Only You (Pup's Realisation Mix)

I think from the first time I heard lil Chris's 'I Never Noticed'... the other two songs popped into my nut! But what a beautiful track! ...And lil Chris co-wrote it, and much of the self titled album it was from when just 15yo. For a lil one, he had a lot of talent! And sadly suffered major depression, an illness which beat him in the end...
As luck would have it! The two other songs in this mix... I have loved since they were new! So, after years of thinking it would be good to try and mix them together... DAMN! That was tough!! Really it's not finished, but after a month of fiddling with this, I think this is about as good as i'm gonna get it!
So, 'I Never Noticed' is 18yrs old... one of those songs that to me just smacked me with WOW! This is amazing... and ...And ...AND! Only this year making this mix did I found out there were two versions... I never noticed!! Which had me change the mix rather a lot for the last few minutes, as it has vocals sung in a very diferente way! So gave the mix more variation!
The 3 songs all have different tempos, and pitches!! And even very diferente sound qualities! Especially with isolated vocals, and vocals removed parts Pup made using online apps ...caramba! ...this thing reached 18 channels! lol, and many may forget the obvious reason the 2 80s songs have rather similar sounds... As both written by synth legend Vince Clark... which is something I have just found out! As I thought 'Only You' was a cover, and he just had a lot to do with the sound of this version, in playing and production! Nope, Vince wrote this classic!

Really this is not just a mix... and a tribute to many, but also a reminder...

Depression is an illness that affects most people at sometime in their lives, for most, they get by, hide it, and come out the other side OK, and for some... it can take their lives. People don't need to suffer in silence, as there are always helplines to phone, online sites, chat groups... or your own doctor.
Remember! Google is your friend! Use it to search, find needed things, including help if required.
They say often it's the happiest on the outside, who are hurting the most on the inside. And as we know, it's not just the ordinary people, but the celebrities too... Robin Williams, Jonathan Brandis, Julee Cruise, Lil Chris, and countless other.... For some, they simply can't do what's needed to get help, and therefore those around them, friends, family! must try, do something to help... It could save some girls life, stop some Guy simply existing in a life of hidden desperate sorrows... And depression is not ageist, as situation can bring it on, bullying at school, work, so much can affect what drags people down to breaking... keep an eye open, don't take 'i'm fine' as an answer if you feel something is wrong... sometimes all you need to do is be there, and don't give up, so they don't.

I have discovered a MASSIVE gap of 1/4th of a second! How did that happen? Oh well, not re-uploading! ...I've listened to tracks from artist's official channels with bigger gaps! lol ...It just means the actual finished version... will be privado! But I guess many may just think it part of the mix... so forget I said... wot? I said nada... No gaps yer, but between my yers!!!

Hey! The viewing figures are higher than shows... WTFrak is wrong with PooTube? As on 20th Feb 2024... the views were 75, and the next day... 70! Something dodgy going on here!! Like... how Pupnrc can post a mix, and it's fully OK'd by checks... then post an updated version, and it's blocked due to a section that was in the OK'd version!? estooopido! ..there is too much AI running things, and it seems to have even less intelligence than the average human! ...scary! ...Oh! And a few days later figures in the space of an hour went from 70 to 78... and now at 75? (24/02/24) PooTube needs to sort itself out!


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