Vudo - First Love

Описание к видео Vudo - First Love


In the moonlight’s tender glow, we danced, hearts intertwined,
Whispers of secrets, stolen kisses, our love undefined.
Your laughter echoed like a samba beat,
And I knew, in that moment, my world was complete.

In the quiet hours, when stars retreat,
I trace constellations on my heartbeat.
Our love, a map of memories, etched in time,
A wild adventure, a rhythm, a rhyme.

Underneath the stars, we wove our dreams,
Promises etched in stardust, it seems.
You were my wild adventure, my sweet delight,
In the rhythm of love, we danced all night.

But seasons change, and so did we,
Yet the memory of our love remains free.
First love, forever etched upon my heart,
A melody that lingers, even when we’re apart.

In the quiet hours, when stars retreat.


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