क्या वजन कम होने का बाल झड़ने से है कोई संबंध | Hair Loss With Weight Loss |

Описание к видео क्या वजन कम होने का बाल झड़ने से है कोई संबंध | Hair Loss With Weight Loss |

Here in this video, Dr. Mukesh Aggarwal discusses about Is weight loss related to hair loss.
In some cases, weight loss can lead to side effects, including hair loss. Your body is sensitive to nutrient deficiencies, stress, and hormonal changes. all of which can happen as a result of rapid weight loss, restrictive diets, or weight loss surgery.

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Other videos for Hair Recovery Tips After Corona-:

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   • कोरोना के बाद झड़ते बालो को रोकने     ...  

Best Hair Expert in Delhi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdlEy...

Hair Transplant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ponD...
Visit the Best hair clinic in Delhi NCR:-  https://www.vhcahairclinic.com

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