How to make gluten-free almond@ 🍊 cookie|كوكيز اللوز و البرتقال ب٣ مكونات بدون غلوتين|حساسية القمح

Описание к видео How to make gluten-free almond@ 🍊 cookie|كوكيز اللوز و البرتقال ب٣ مكونات بدون غلوتين|حساسية القمح

Here is a simple cookie to share with family’s on Aïd.
I want to thank my nephew for his help making this video ❤️
I used to make almond cookie without orange but this time it is different,the taste of orange gives a pop up and freshness to cookies.

I made it more than 6 days and still chewy and soft like i have baked them right now.

I suggest you to do it takes 20 min max between preparation and baking time.
Nothing easier than almond cookie;)

Ingredients and steps is detailed on the video so you want go through description
Please tell me if you want me to just mention below or write them.

#easyrecipe #حساسية_القمح #glutenfree #recettefacile #sansgluten ##senzaglutine #baking #zerogluten #cookies #cookingvideo #كوكيز_الشوفان


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