Coffin of Otto von Habsburg brought to Imperial Crypt

Описание к видео Coffin of Otto von Habsburg brought to Imperial Crypt

(16 Jul 2011)
1. Various of coffin being carried into Imperial Crypt
2. Wide of honour guard marching with flags during funeral procession taking coffin to crypt
3. Members of funeral procession wearing traditional Austrian dress, beating drums
4. Wide of funeral procession marching down street
5. Close up of photograph of Otto von Habsburg being carried by guardsman during procession
6. Funeral procession with coffin marching off from cathedral, pan right and zoom out to follow
The last heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire, Otto von Habsburg, was laid to rest in Vienna's Imperial Crypt on Saturday.
His coffin was carried to the crypt in a 2.4 kilometre-long (1.5 mile-long) funeral procession through the Austrian capital.
Guardsmen wearing traditional Austrian dress accompanied the coffin along streets lined with mourners.
Otto von Habsburg died on July 4 at the age of 98 in southern Germany.
Members of the Habsburg dynasty have been buried in the Imperial Crypt since 1632. It is one of Vienna's prime tourist attractions.
The crypt contains the hearts of the Habsburgs in urns separate from the coffins.
But Habsburg's heart was to be buried separately on Sunday in the Benedictine Abbey in Pannonhalma, central Hungary, on his request, to show the affection he held for Hungary, Austria's 19th century partner in the Austro-Hungarian empire.

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