DST CPR UoH - Building Science Communicators From The Ground Up: Why & How | December 6, 2023

Описание к видео DST CPR UoH - Building Science Communicators From The Ground Up: Why & How | December 6, 2023

The DST-Centre for Policy Research at the University of Hyderabad (DST-CPR-UoH) successfully hosted a virtual roundtable on Wednesday, December 6th, 2023, titled “Building Science Communicators From The Ground Up: Why and How.” The event aimed to initiate a cross-disciplinary dialogue on integrating science communication (SciComm) into STEM education in India.

Moderated by Prof. Usha Raman, Head of the Department of Communication and Co-PI of the DST CPR UoH project, the roundtable gathered distinguished scientists, academics, STEM educators, and SciComm and public engagement professionals.

The inaugural panel consisted of eminent scientists and educators including Prof. Prajval Shastri, Emeritus Professor at Raman Research Institute; Dr. VV Binoy, Associate Professor & In Charge of the Science Communication Programme at NIAS, Bangalore; Prof. Sharath Anantha Murthy, Professor at the School of Physics, University of Hyderabad; Dr. Ponnari Gottipati, Associate Director, Research Management at LV Prasad Eye Institute; and Dr. Aalok Khandekar, Assistant Professor of Anthropology/Sociology at IIT Hyderabad.

The panelists delved into the critical need for public engagement among scientists, addressing the gaps in research and education that are hindering effective public science communication. The discourse extended to the feasibility of integrating SciComm courses into STEM curricula, advocating for transformative changes in India’s science education framework.

The panelists’ individual remarks culminated in an insightful discussion offering recommendations for the integration of SciComm courses into STEM education.

After a brief intermission, the second panel delved into the insights and best practices shared by accomplished science communicators, public engagement professionals, and science historians. Panelists included Dr. Jahnavi Phalkey, Founding Director of Science Gallery Bengaluru; Dr. Somdatta Karak, Science Communications and Outreach Officer at CCMB, Hyderabad; Tejah Balantrapu, Associate Director of Science, Health Data, and Storytelling at LV Prasad Eye Institute; Sarah Iqbal, Science Engagement Consultant at FAST India; and Dr. Siuli Mitra, Consultant at the archives of Christian Medical College, Vellore.

After initial remarks, the panelists went on to discuss the roadblocks in their experiences of science communication and public engagement practice.

The event concluded with a cross-panel dialogue on the theme, generating much-needed conversations on hegemony in knowledge production, the importance of multi-disciplinary collaborations, critique of existing models of communicating science, citizen contribution to scientific knowledge, and more.


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