Описание к видео Ricks New EMINENCE BASS

Just got this Eminence 5 String Removable Neck Acoustic Electric Upright Bass. (Wow - that's a mouthful). I haven't played bass in over 20 years so this little gift to myself is my way of getting back into playing. (And that's my way of asking forgiveness for my intonation). I'm really looking forward to practicing, rehearsing and 'playing out' with this 'Little Guy'. This was recorded with my Panasonic Lumix point and shoot camera so I was surprised that with headphones the sound isn't too bad. The recording sounds a little 'boomier' than live, but then again I just plugged it in a minute ago and haven't done much of anything with EQ etc. I am playing directly into a TCElectronic B250. As I get used to the bass and do some rehearsals I expect I'll upload some better sounding files in the future.


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