Characteristics of fish | principle of fish biology in urdu | hindi icthyology By Asim zoologist

Описание к видео Characteristics of fish | principle of fish biology in urdu | hindi icthyology By Asim zoologist

General characteristics of fish principle of fish biology in urdu | hindi icthiology


5 Characteristics That All Fish Have in Common
All Fish Are Cold-Blooded. All fish are cold-blooded, which is also called ectothermic. ...
Water Habitat. Another shared characteristic amongst all fish is that they live in water. ...
Gills to Breathe. ...
Swim Bladders. ...
Fins for Movement.
Fish Facts
Fishes are cold-blooded and they can't control their body temperature.
Fish can feel pain. They have a good sense of taste, sight and touch. Many fish taste without opening their mouth.
Whale shark is the largest fish and they can grow to 50 feet long.
Fish like Trigger fish can swim backwards.
If gold fish is kept in a dark room it will lose its color.
Characteristic of fish
Fish are aquatic vertebrates that have vertebral column called spine. A classic fish is a torpedo shaped. The fish contains head containing a brain and sensory organs, a trunk with a muscular wall surrounding a cavity with the internal organs and a muscular post-anal tail. The following are the general characteristic that all the fish species posses:

General characteristic:
Lateral line
Two chambered heart
Gills used for respiration
No external ears
No eye lids
All the species of the fish found in the world are classified into the following three groups. They are:

Agnatha - jawless fish
Chrondrichthyes - cartilaginous fish
Osteichthyes - bony fish
Ray finned group
Lobe finned group
Each type of fish has its own characteristic based on the group they belong. So it is easy to study the characteristic of a fish based on their group.

Agnatha class:
Jaws are absent
Fins are absent
Skeleton is made up of cartilage
Posses round eel like body
Absence of swim bladder and gill covers
Soft skins made up of scales
Oviparous animals
Found in marine and fresh water
Chondrichthyes class:
Cartilage make up the skeleton
Body is covered with triangular placoid scales
Posses ventral subterminal mouth
Fins are stiff and non-flexible
Absence of swim bladder
Internal fertilization
Found only in marine water
Osteichthyes class:
Bones make up the skeleton
The gills are covered with operculum
Swim bladder is present
Fins are made up of rays and spines
This species posses different types of scales
External fertilization

fish, any of approximately 34,000 species of vertebrate animals (phylum Chordata) found in the fresh and salt waters of the world. Living species range from the primitive jawless lampreys and hagfishes through the cartilaginous sharks, skates, and rays to the abundant and diverse bony fishes. Most fish species are cold-blooded; however, one species, the opah (Lampris guttatus), is warm-blooded.
Many fishes are cryptically coloured and shaped, closely matching their respective environments; others are among the most brilliantly coloured of all organisms, with a wide range of hues, often of striking intensity, on a single individual. The brilliance of pigments may be enhanced by the surface structure of the fish, so that it almost seems to glow. A number of unrelated fishes have actual light-producing organs. Many fishes are able to alter their coloration—some for the purpose of camouflage, others for the enhancement of behavioral signals.

Fishes range in adult length from less than 10 mm (0.4 inch) to more than 20 metres (60 feet) and in weight from about 1.5 grams (less than 0.06 ounce) to many thousands of kilograms. Some live in shallow thermal springs at temperatures slightly above 42 °C (100 °F), others in cold Arctic seas a few degrees below 0 °C (32 °F) or in cold deep waters more than 4,000 metres (13,100 feet) beneath the ocean surface. The structural and, especially, the physiological adaptations for life at such extremes are relatively poorly known and provide the scientifically curious with great incentive for study.
General features
Structural diversity
(principally in bottom-dwelling fishes) and laterally compressed in many others; the fins may be elaborately extended, forming intricate shapes, or they may be reduced or even lost; and the positions of the mouth, eyes, nostrils, and gill openings vary widely. Air breathers have appeared in several evolutionary lines.

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