chain wear checking take 2

Описание к видео chain wear checking take 2

This is a re upload fixing errors in first video!

We have focussed a lot on trying to ensure you run a great lubricant choice for lowest friction and longest chain (and thus component) wear life. However en masse cyclists are a) either not checking chain wear or b) trying to check chain wear but are being let down by the accuracy of the tools available.
An accurate chain wear checker and regular use really is a cyclists best friend that will save you a lot of $$ over time, as well as not riding a high friction, high wear drivetrain - as once your chain becomes too worn, it is merrily eating into the teeth of your cassette and chain rings. Eating through metal is not low friction riding.
Here i cover in depth (of course...) what actually is chain wear, what is this 0.5% wear replacement mark often bandied around and stamped on tools, why is that mark so important - and then lets have a look at a bunch of tools and see how they measure.

00:00 - intro and updates
07:35 - Why is chain wear checking important
11:12 - What is chain wear
23:45 - Checking problems
27:00 - Chain checkers in action
43:30 - The results
46:40 - wrap


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