CASCATE DELL' ARZINO Atmosphere-Fascinating Crystal Clear Waterfalls-Autumn on the River 2

Описание к видео CASCATE DELL' ARZINO Atmosphere-Fascinating Crystal Clear Waterfalls-Autumn on the River 2

This second part of the series "Autumn on the river" brings us in the countinuation of the tour towards the valley, inside the caracteristic coloured autumn ambience we can sight around the river. This time we are going to do a glance, thanks to a few of shots well prepared, on the part that is really knew as ARZINO WATERFALLS AREA, where the water flows in the small canyon too, and falls into natural "tubs" of various sizes and shapes, to watch again the amazing flowing water and its shades of colour.Have a nice and relaxing hiking in this wonderful autumn atmosphere!
----- This video and the description brings back sounds,shots ad ambience from the visited place,it is not an accurate hiking guide but just a way to see the area from another point of view.

Questa seconda parte della serie "Autunno sul fiume" ci porta a continuare il giro verso valle attraverso la caratteristica e colorata atmosfera autunnale intorno al fiume. Questa volta andremo a dare un'occhiata, grazie a qualche studiata inquadratura, alla parte conosciuta proprio come CASCATE DELL' ARZINO, dove il flusso d'acqua fluisce attraverso il piccolo canyon per poi cadere in vasche più o meno grandi, per vedere ancora il meraviglioso torrente e le sue sfumature di colori. Buon relax quindi, e buona passeggiata tra i meravigliosi colori dell' autunno sul fiume!
-----Il video e la descrizione riportano suoni,scene e l'atmosfera naturale del sito,non sono quindi un'accurata descrizione di un percorso da seguire,ma solo un piacevole punto di vista naturalistico.

Advice for best enjoyment:
--Select video settings and choose the max available video quality
--Use a good quality headphones

Location: Italy, Carnic prealps

All the audio and video material published on the channel is a my own production (except the music) and recorded on the field personally.It is copyrighted and shared for personal use only. Any other use is not permitted without permission.


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