Pokemon League Stadium - Poke Cup Master Ball (R2)

Описание к видео Pokemon League Stadium - Poke Cup Master Ball (R2)

Welcome back to Pokemon League Stadium

I am making an exception to cover Pokecup Master Ball (R2) early .here's another fantastic surprise . Yes I will also cover all the other cups because im limited on time I want to show everyone this nice surprise. I will do this one early on because it has some really interesting teams and especially a nice Surprise in the Final Battle.

Comments about this Battle: Omg I love this so much this is one of the best surprises I been waiting for. Mewtwo and Mew appear in Pokecup :). So here's the thing about League Stadium Pokecup. There are way too many teams prepared to especially take down Zapdos at Level 55. It's not advisable to run Zapdos. Replaced Zapdos with Persian as Hypnosis Persian at Level 55 outruns Level 50 Mewtwo by exactly 1 speed point and 3ohkos Mewtwo and Mew and nothing besides Gengar can deal with Persian. That's insane. Poke cup has enough Pokemon you can work with to prepare for Mewtwo and Mew especially Snorlax and Chansey as if they weren't already checks to both of these guys and even Exeggutor, since you can't use Mewtwo in Poke Cup, Amensia Hypno becomes the next best Pokemon that can sort of act like Mewtwo and check Mewtwo since it doesn't know Amensia. But beware even though Mewtwo doesn't know Amensia this time it's still very strong to deal with it knows Psychic, Thunderbolt, Blizzard, and Body Slam while Mew runs the Standard Swords Dance set.

Basically to beat this cup you also must prepare for Mewtwo and Mew + the strongest OU Pokemon ever such as Amensia Hypno, Tauros, Zapdos etc.

This is one of the most difficult Poke Cup Challenges ever due to the presence of both Mewtwo and Mew + all the other Strong OU Mons + Tradebacks.

Basically ended the game with no continues lol.


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