Cute Jerboas - Swiftest Jumpers

Описание к видео Cute Jerboas - Swiftest Jumpers

A nocturnal animal that spends most of its daylight hours sequestered beneath the surface of the ground, the jerboa has kept much of its behavior secret. It is, however, best known for its leaping ability, which it uses to escape predators. "When about to spring," said the Encyclopedia Britannica, 9th Edition, the jerboa "raises its body by means of the hinder extremities, and supports itself at the same time upon its tail, while the forefeet are so closely pressed to the breast as to be scarcely visible... It then leaps into the air and alights upon its four feet, but instantaneously erecting itself, it makes another spring, and so on in such rapid succession as to appear as if rather flying than running." The jerboa can move 15 to 16 miles per hour. When not in flight, the jerboa walks upright or hops.
Primarily a solitary animal, the jerboa lives alone in its burrow, either in isolation or within a colony. Using its teeth, nose, and claws, it may excavate a simple temporary one- to two-foot-long, single-tunnel burrow that is used for escape from predators or for refuge from extreme temperatures. It also excavates a much more elaborate and more permanent, five- to eight-foot deep burrow that has several tunnels and entrances as well as chambers for hibernation, food storage, and nesting. It may line its nesting chamber with shredded vegetation or even camel hair. The jerboa uses plugs of soil to seal entrances, helping to camouflage the burrow, maintain tolerable internal temperatures, and contain moisture.
According to the Peoples Trust for the Environment, the jerboa species that live in cold desert environments such as the Gobi hibernate through the winter, living off body fats. The jerboa species that live in the hot desert environments such as the Sahara stay in their burrows, in a state of torpor, through the summers.

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►Music used in this video:
Brightly Fancy - Oddities - Kevin MacLeod
Fun in a Bottle - Kevin MacLeod
Midday Dance - Kevin MacLeod
The Creek - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
Happy Boy End Theme - Kevin MacLeod


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