Isaiah 40 - Feed His Flock || Bible in Song || Project of Love

Описание к видео Isaiah 40 - Feed His Flock || Bible in Song || Project of Love

Every Friday a new song!
Project of Love is: all books of the bible in song 🔥🙌

You know, He's not like any shepherd. He's the kind that leaves the 99 to go looking for that one lost sheep. That one sheep that maybe doesn't even realize it's lost.

And He goes all the way..He will give His life for that one..It's not an expression in His case..He actually did it.

He did it for me. And I wasn't even looking for Him. Go figure.

There's so much love in this verse. So much comfort and caring. It's like a loving embrace.
I hope I did a good job to let you feel that, really feel that.

You know, there are some people out there who will try to downplay God's love for us. It comes (His love) with strings attached. You first have to do this, first have to do that..

I can tell you from firsthand experience, it comes freely and as long as I live here on this earth, I can NEVER ever exaggerate God's love. Never.

Let's be inspired by that. And take care of His flock, just as He does. Love, unconditionally.


Apple Music:   / project-of-love  
Instagram:   / _projectoflove  





11. He will feed His flock like a shepherd.
He will carry the lambs in His arms,
holding them close to His heart.

12. Who else has held the oceans in His hand?
Who has measured off the heavens with His fingers?
Who else knows the weight of the earth
or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?


All scripture from:
New Living Translation (NLT).
[Italics] [you] added by author:


Project of Love is one man, Xander Stok, and his God-inspired dream: to put all books of the bible to song. One on one scripture in song. Words of Life, sung to life. This project is born out of a deep love for the Word of God and its Author. ❤️

Three years ago, after 20 years of struggling with depression, he met with God.
"He took me out of the pit, gave me new life, new clothes, a mission, and here I am.

In January 2021, while I was reading the book of Isaiah, I heard a quiet voice say: "grab your guitar and sing what you're reading".

That's what I did and I'm still doing.

Share this where you can and get the Word out! 🔥🙌😉


All music created, mixed and produced by:
Xander Stok, Insta: @nax_music

All scripture from:
New Living Translation

Video by:
Janis van der Linden


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