ISHI 2020 Keynote Address: Resolving a Case of Unknown Identity Through Genetic Genealogy

Описание к видео ISHI 2020 Keynote Address: Resolving a Case of Unknown Identity Through Genetic Genealogy

It's a story that involves a famous unsolved kidnapping case, buried secrets, a family with murder, lies, a 55-year-old cold case, and incredible genealogical detective work.

It began with a DNA test in 2012; in an instant the man raised as Paul Fronczak had no name, no birth-date, no medical history, no known relatives, no past, no pictures – nothing to identify himself. He was an unidentified living person.

This is the story of how Paul, genetic genealogist CeCe Moore, and a group of volunteers pieced together a family mystery. Hear the latest on Paul’s unique story and learn more about the possibilities that genetic genealogy can unlock during this joint keynote presentation at the 31st International Symposium on Human Identification.

Learn more about the symposium on our website:


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