Meet Washington's ALL NEW anti-China propagandist

Описание к видео Meet Washington's ALL NEW anti-China propagandist

In case you needed any more proof that Washington and its media has gone totally bonkers, here it is.

The Republican representative for Iowa, Ashley Hinson, has appeared on FOX News claiming that China’s offer to welcome 50,000 U.S. students to study in China is an attempt at brainwashing them, and she wants it stopped.

On the contrary, Westerners in general visiting China achieves the opposite: allowing them to see China with their own eyes literally UNDOES years of propagandizing by Western media and governments who want to desperately teach their youth that the West is the best, and China is a dark, dirty, dangerous dystopia.

That’s why Representative Ashley Hinson, who claims to have ruffled feathers in the CCP media when I confronted her on Twitter, knows that full well.

Today, we’ll investigate. This is Reports on China, I’m Andy Boreham in Shanghai. Let’s get reporting!

#washington #china #propaganda


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