Recovering after the Biggest MTB Crash of my life (6 Broken Bones)

Описание к видео Recovering after the Biggest MTB Crash of my life (6 Broken Bones)

This video Is about my recovery so far after my biggest Mountain Biking crash yet. It was on quite a big road gap that I’ve hit hundreds of times that is actually a very easy jump to do in comparison to other styles of jumps. You have to pedal most of the way to the takeoff to get the speed but my pedal clipped the floor when I was close to the takeoff which ripped my foot off the pedal and sent me off it completely out of control, I basically slammed into the back of the landing and stopped dead. Luckily I was with some mates at the time Jack and Max, who were both there along with some people walking in the woods who were all amazing and called the ambulance and kept me as calm as they could for over an hour until the ambulance arrived, at this point more friends had arrived too.

I broke my Femur, Hip, Pelvis, Heel, Wrist and compressed my T10 Vertabrae. I spent 18 days In Hospital and had 3 operations. A Nail put down my Femur, a plate and screws on both my Wrist and Heel too.

I was In constant pain for Pretty much the whole time I was in hospital, my leg was so painful, but my heel bone was the most painful by far. For about a week it felt like it was on fire and the worst pain I can’t really describe it other than it would feel like it was on fire. I was put on a machine where I could give myself morphine and ketamine every 5 minutes and it was still agony. I’d never even thought about breaking a heel bone being particularly bad, but now I know 😂It was so bad I barely felt the pain anywhere else other than there. When I first had the crash I didn’t even know I’d broken it, because the initial pain of the femur was so much worse than anything else at the time it must’ve masked it.

Massive thanks to everyone over the last 4 months for all the support whether it’s been coming to hospital to see me when I was inside, the messages and comments I’ve received have helped so much and given me even more motivation to get back to normal again after what was definitly the most painful/difficult experience
I’ve ever had.

Never quite realised just how quickly your life can completely turned upside down and leave you
with injury’s that had been so life changing, still feel I was incredibly lucky not to have nose dived off that lip, If I did (and I should’ve bearing in mind my foot was off which should’ve sent me forward) I probably could’ve been paralysed or worse.

Over all I’d say it’s made me a better person and made me appreciate more in life, couldn’t be more keen to get travelling again and back to my normal activities 🙌

Huge thanks to my Family, Friends and my Girlfriend for being there for me the whole way through, didn’t have a day in hospital where I didn’t see someone, makes a huge difference when you have something to take your
mind off the pain whilst in there. Also the staff in the Hospital were amazing, talking all through the night to the HCAs and them dealing with me constantly needing them to pretty much everything whilst I couldn’t do it.

I started editing/making this video whilst I was in hospital and have slowly added to it over the months hoping that maybe if anyone else suffers from any of these sorts of injuries it may give some motivation or just an idea of how long the recovery may take. I knew it helped me to watch recovery videos whilst I was there so hoping this can do the same for somebody else! Also wanted to have something I can look back at in the future myself.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this video and hopefully the next one may be some riding in the future!


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