From Ibn Sina to Al Biruni: The Truth Behind Our Modern Science

Описание к видео From Ibn Sina to Al Biruni: The Truth Behind Our Modern Science

If there had been a Nobel Prize a thousand years ago, it would probably have gone to Muslim scientists in dozens. Muslim scholars were centuries ahead of Christian scholars. They already knew about the heliocentric model, about the concept of evolution and the anatomy of the human body. Today, their scientific contribution is almost forgotten. The main reason for this is the Eurocentric view of the world, which does not like to share the spotlight.

Between the 8th and the 13th century an intellectual climate prevailed in the Orient under the influence of Islam that intensively promoted the study of natural phenomena, mathematics and medicine.

Great thinkers like ibn Sina (Avicenna), Alhazen, Al Biruni and Al Khwarizmi gave the world an understanding of our world by revolutionizing mathematics, medicine, geography, philosophy and so on.

Come with me to Baghdad and the House of Wisdom, we will get to know those amazing scholars!


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