Tai Chi Fan from Better Health Tai Chi Chuan

Описание к видео Tai Chi Fan from Better Health Tai Chi Chuan

Below is one story for Dr Lam's monthly newsletter, subscribe at http://taichiforhealthinstitute.org/n...

The story began one Tuesday evening in Sydney when the students from Dr Lam’s Tai Chi for Better Health group were arriving for their scheduled classes.

Oh no! Shock! Horror! The gates were locked and so the classes had to be abandoned. Disappointed students milled around despairingly on the footpath outside the gates.

One group of students was particularly disappointed because it was to be their final lesson with a very special teacher, Mark Hoyle. They had been practicing hard all week perfecting their Fan 18-Form Yang Style routine, so that it could be videoed and used as a guide in Mark’s absence.

The class had brought along a gift to show their appreciation to Mark for his enthusiasm, encouragement and, in particular, his commitment in travelling over 100 kms every week to teach classes.

Imagine their horror when they discovered that Mark had been whisked away by his travelling companions, anxious to begin their long trek home. They were left distraught, standing on the footpath, clutching the present and the video camera!!

What to do?

The only thing to do was to take chase. Racing through red lights, ‘faster than a speeding bullet, leaping over tall buildings in a single bound’ ……they finally tracked down their quarry at a busy petrol station.
It was at that bustling intersection with traffic whizzing past on all sides, horns honking, people staring, amongst rubbish bins and motorists refueling their cars, that the group was videoed performing their routine.
The present delivered, the goodbyes said, everyone went home satisfied that they had achieved yet another night of Tai Chi magic.

Seriously though ……….It was such a memorable and instructive experience for all of us! As a group we had managed through FOCUS to still the fury of daily city life. Tai Chi at its healing best!


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