DISNEY PRINCESS MAKEOVER! Adley & Navey MakeUp Salon with Mom Tea Party on First Day of School!

Описание к видео DISNEY PRINCESS MAKEOVER! Adley & Navey MakeUp Salon with Mom Tea Party on First Day of School!

We're having a Disney Princess Party ALL DAY!!
This video is sponsored by Disney
LET'S BE FRIENDS -- https://goo.gl/a7ctjJ

HEY EVERYBODY!! Today is a brand collab with one of our favorite brands ever, Disney! Check out the tea party in the backyard with their new Disney Princess Character tea set from Walmart, while Mom and Navey waited for Adley to get home. They had set out marshmallows, crackers, and other snacks too!

From Adley: When I got home I was excited to tell them all about my first day of 3rd grade and all of the new friends I made! We sat and had a tea party while we talked about our day, but then it was time for Navey to go to Walmart and pick out the toys for the family's collab so we got in the car and headed to the store! There was a really cool display in Walmart with all of their Disney toys to celebrate Disney 100 Years!! Me and Navey picked out some of our favorite princess toys, thank you Disney for getting those for us! Then we headed back home to do a princess hair salon! We had a lot of customers like Ariel, Moana, Rapunzel, and Me & Navey wanted to get a makeover too! Navey and Mom got started on Rapunzel while I was doing Ariel's hair and lipstick! We had to make sure our customers felt nice and relaxed like they were in a princess spa! After that it was my turn to get a style! We had so much fun making this video with Disney, thanks for watching!
@DisneyPrincess #disneyprincess #disney100 #walmart

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A for Adley Shorts -    / @aforadleyshorts  
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G for Gaming -    / @gforgaming  
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Bye vlog pshhhhh


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