Google Sheets IMPORTRANGE | Import from Another Google Sheets - Multiple Sheets & Based on Criteria

Описание к видео Google Sheets IMPORTRANGE | Import from Another Google Sheets - Multiple Sheets & Based on Criteria

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In this video we are in Google Sheets and we are going to look at how to import data from another Google Sheets workbook. To import or link data between two workbooks we use the IMPORTRANGE function. We can use IMPORTRANGE to import one or more ranges or worksheets.

The QUERY function in combination with the IMPORTRANGE function allows us to specify criteria for our import. For example we can exclude blank rows in our import or base our import on criteria - text or numeric.

Table of Contents:

00:00 - Introduction
00:40 - Use the IMPORTRANGE function to import data from another workbook
05:06 - Import and combine multiple sheets from another workbook
07:56 - Use the QUERY function to remove blank rows
08:58 - Use the QUERY function to specify which records to import from another workbook - adding criteria
10:02 - SUM up values in another workbook


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