James Mangold discusses Story Point of View (Excerpt from Logan director's commentary)

Описание к видео James Mangold discusses Story Point of View (Excerpt from Logan director's commentary)

On the Logan BluRay director's commentary, director James Mangold talks about story point of view. This is something I think doesn't get talked about enough, when discussing storyboarding. I believe that the problem is that as a subject it can be hard to define. But for me it is one of the most important aspects of visual storytelling.

Deciding whose point of view to shoot a scene from will help you to stage it and will make the storytelling less generic.
All rights to the original material from Logan, including the director's commentary, belong to their respective owners. This clip has been shared for the purposes of analysis, critique, and discussion. Disclaimer: This use falls under the principles of "Fair Use" for educational purposes.


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