Join A Clan For Warframes Weapons And More!

Описание к видео Join A Clan For Warframes Weapons And More!

Well everyone, here is my yearly reminder that if you're not in a clan you are losing out on so much in that game!

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Clans can get you so many different warframes, weapons, archwings, blueprints, companions, and more. It's a really useful resource to have for any tenno playing. I would not recommend a solo clan unless you know what you're doing and have a ton of time and dedication. I would join a pre existing clan, hang out there and replicate the blueprints. Luckily drydocks should be coming to relays in about a month, until then clans! Think of this as a simple walkthrough of guide of the possible items you can purchase by joining a clan. Seriously just join a clan so you can be a good warframe player.

#Warframe #WarframeClan #Blueprints


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