SKAA Dani Pro Transmitter Walkthrough

Описание к видео SKAA Dani Pro Transmitter Walkthrough

SKAA Dani Pro Transmitter quick walkthrough

SKAA / SKAA Pro dual-mode transmitter featuring two balanced analog audio inputs and Burr-Brown input buffers and converters

Designed specifically for sending audio wirelessly from pro audio gear to SKAA speakers, SKAA headphones, and other SKAA receivers

Ideal for wirelessly connecting your analog or digital live sound mixer to front-of-house speakers, floor wedges, and headphones

Perfect for wirelessly connecting your DJ mixer/deck to your main speakers and/or your cue mix headphones (for example Dillinger Helix headphones)

Ideal for sending out wireless cue mixes from your DAW or mixing desk to your live room — to talent wearing Helix headphones, for example
Flip a switch and Dani works with consumer audio devices — transmit audio from any phone, tablet, iPad, computer, camera, music player — literally any device with a headphone jack or an audio line output


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