Voices of the Void: The Coin Miner

Описание к видео Voices of the Void: The Coin Miner

Fun Fact!: The coin miner can hold up to 16 GPUs and 6 cooling fans. In order to do this, you need at least 5k points for the batteries and GPUs alone. On top of that, you need 96 drives to create the 24 electronic scraps needed for all the fans. Then you need 24 metal scrap for the fans, as well as 16 metal scraps for the GPU frames. That wasn't a very fun fact was it?

On to the topic of Animal Crossing voices, thank you to everyone that participated in the poll! I read the comments and attempted to implement them, but I've wound up disliking animalese the more I tried to use them. Changing the tone of the voices wasn't really a problem. That part just took some experimenting with Audacity. The problems started and ended with the audio mixing. If I have learned one thing, it's that I'm fucking terrible at audio mixing. It was a constant tug of war between the music and the voices. When I would lower the volume for the voices, I found that they would get completely lost in the music, and increasing the volume of the voices made them very headache inducing. If I didn't use the high energy music I use, I could see the animalese working significantly more. When I play Animal Crossing the game isn't emitting loud battle themes at me while the villagers are talking. The music is calm and relaxing, aka the opposite of my videos. And I feel like changing the music would move the tone of the videos into direction I don't want. At the end of the day, I would rather put my energy into other parts of the video than working on an aspect of the video that I've grown indifferent towards.

I'm sorry to everyone who like the animalese and voted for it to stay. You have every reason to be upset about it being removed. I'll probably bring them back when I play another game that I don't feel compelled to put high energy music on top of.

00:00 Note Location
00:40 Buying the Acc. Batteries and GPU
01:17 The New Recipe
01:52 The Hard Way
02:57 Setting Up the Frame
04:39 Kerfus and Kel have a very serious conversation


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