Husqvarna 701 SM - Arrow Exhaust [5K + HQ Sound]

Описание к видео Husqvarna 701 SM - Arrow Exhaust [5K + HQ Sound]

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Bike and Mods:
Husqvarna 701 SM 2021
Arrow Exhaust, Decat, DBkiller in
Michelin Power Cup 2

Recording Setup:
GoPro Hero Black 11 (5k, 30 fps, Hyperview)
GoPro Hero Black 9 (4k, 30 fps, Ultrawide)
ND Filters set
Zoom H2n, default setting (into the backpack).
Every bike has different loudness, there is no magic setup or level gain that would fit every bike, you have to test it on your own.
Just my thought, but I think it's GOLD:
_Bikes are almost PERFECT machine, riders are NOT!
NEVER ride above your limit, be SAFE, always wear PROTECTIVE Gear!
Wearing helmet ISN'T enough, turn on your BRAIN inside it!_
All of the videos are filmed for entertainment purpose only, do not imitate. The speedometer is tampered.
All content posted under this domain has no affiliation with its poster or any relation with the rider.


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