Ham Radio: Building a Power supply for my Kenwood TS480SAT

Описание к видео Ham Radio: Building a Power supply for my Kenwood TS480SAT

Ham Radio: Building a Power supply for my Kenwood TS480SAT, Ok so it was Jonathan M0JSX that got me started on this one. I noticed that he had converted a Server PSU for use with his radio, so I had to have a go as well, but fortunately I also needed to power a new to me radio....

Converting and playing with Power Supply Units is not for the faint hearted, so please don't blame me for blowing up your radio or yourself. If you take on any of the conversions I show in this video you do it at your own risk.

Hey why not look it up and see for yourself I'm not an expert on these matters just a guy that is giving it a go and sharing my experiences.

Hope you enjoy...

Just for fun
Please subscribe and like.
Mike - M0MSN
P.S. do not take my word for it, give it a go for yourself.


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