Leaky Gut & Prebiotics

Описание к видео Leaky Gut & Prebiotics

Leaky gut occurs when the population of bad bacteria in your colon and gut is greater than the population of good bacteria. Individuals with leaky gut have colon cells that are too far apart to prevent bad bacteria from entering their blood stream. In this video, Dr. Frank Jackson provides more detail about how leaky gut develops and how incorporating prebiotics into your diet may help eliminate leaky gut.

What Exactly Is Leaky Gut?

Leaky gut syndrome, or just leaky gut, is not a specific diagnosis but an umbrella term indicating something is intrinsically wrong with your small intestine. Vitally important to your health because it absorbs most of the nutrients you receive from food, the interior of your small intestine has microscopic pores that facilitate transference of vitamins and minerals to your bloodstream. Once these nutrients enter your bloodstream, they are then transported throughout your body.

Your small intestine walls are semipermeable, meaning pores can only absorb some items while blocking others from gaining access to your bloodstream. For example, nutrients and other molecules beneficial to your health are allowed to pass through the pores. However, undigested food particles and toxins are effectively blocked.

When pores widen abnormally, they permit previously blocked items to find their way into your bloodstream. Consequently, these unwanted items force your immune system to spring into action and produce an inflammatory response to the invaders.
Part of this inflammatory response involves accumulating antibodies to deactivate what the immune system thinks are pathogens harmful to the body. Unfortunately, these antibodies not only kill the invaders, but they also kill healthy cells as well.

Causes and Symptoms of Leaky Gut

Food toxins, specifically lipopolysaccharides (LPS), cause leaky gut. LPS are endotoxins that comprise the exterior membrane of cell walls associated with disease-causing bacteria. Some of the bacteria containing LPS are carriers of E. coli, cholera, influenza and Salmonella.

When endotoxins overwhelm the small intestine, the permeability of the small intestine increases and allows all kinds of bad substances to infiltrate the bloodstream. Systemic inflammation occurs as the immune system goes into overdrive. When left untreated, leaky gut syndrome may cause:

• Food sensitivities, especially to gluten
• Inflammatory bowel disease
• Crohn's disease or colitis
• Thyroid dysregulation
• Autoimmune disease
• Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
• Type 1 diabetes
• Psoriasis and eczema

Treat Your Leaky Gut With Prebiotics

Start restoring good health to your small intestine and colon by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, reducing the amount of saturated fats and meat you consume and supplementing your diet with prebiotics.

Prebiotics — not probiotics — tighten small intestine pores by eliminating toxins from your gut and repopulating colonies of good bacteria that were previously overwhelmed by bad bacteria. Prebiotics are healthful plant fibers found in bananas, asparagus, onions, raw chicory root, raw dandelion greens, raw wheat bran and other plant-based foods. A major advantage of prebiotic supplements is that people with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease can get the benefits of prebiotics without worrying about suffering unwanted side effects of eating wheat products.

(Note: Dr. Jackson wants you to be aware that colon cleansers do not work. The fad cleansers do nothing but irritate your gut while flushing out the good bacteria along with the bad ones. In fact, colon-cleansing diets may cause permanent damage to your colon by irritating sensitive linings and killing vast amounts of good bacteria).

To learn more about the health benefits of prebiotics and how they can help with leaky gut syndrome, visit: https://www.prebiotin.com/resources/m...


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