Overland Expo West 2019 Highlights

Описание к видео Overland Expo West 2019 Highlights

Overland Expo West 2019 in Flagstaff, Arizona was super fun! On the way there my mom and dad took me and my sisters adventuring. We got to see an old ghost town from a long time ago and they even had a bunch of cool old school cars and trucks. We also got to stop and see the Grand Canyon and it was super big.
At Overland Expo we saw so many cool new off road campers and vehicles. I went in this big RMV truck that looked like a big doomsday vehicle or something for a zombie apocalypses. Inside was just like a house and it even had cool bunk beds. Overall I had such a fun time here at Overland Expo West 2019 with all my family and here are the highlights from the trip! Can't wait to see what next year will have.

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