Michael & Nikita | Light Up The Sky [Mikita Tribute]

Описание к видео Michael & Nikita | Light Up The Sky [Mikita Tribute]

"You light up the sky to show me you are with me,"

Hey everyone! So here I present one of my all time favorite couples from the wonderful show Nikita. I loved Michael and Nikita soooo much, they are definitely in my top five! The chemistry was fantastic and so real, I still can't believe the show isn't on the air anymore xP CW made a huge mistake cancelling it. Even though I do have like every episode on my laptop I still would have loved to see more seasons. I wanted to make this video because one I had all these eps and hadn't vid them once so I wanted to show them some love! And two because they were and are perfect! haha

So Mikita fans please enjoy! xD

Song info at the end
Backup;    / kezbelongshere  


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