Tutak Tutak Tutiya (2016) is a unique blend of comedy, horror, and drama that keeps you entertained from start to finish. The story revolves around Krishna (Prabhudeva), an ordinary man who is obsessed with marrying a modern, city girl. His dreams are shattered when he is forced to marry Devi (Tamannaah), a traditional and simple village girl. However, things take a supernatural twist when Krishna realizes that Devi is possessed by the spirit of a glamorous and ambitious woman who dreams of becoming a movie star. What follows is a roller-coaster ride of hilarious situations, spooky encounters, and unexpected turns as Krishna tries to deal with the ghost while keeping his marriage intact. The film’s engaging plot, stellar performances, and foot-tapping music make it a must-watch for fans of the genre.
Cast and Crew:
Full Movie Name: Tutak Tutak Tutiya (2016)
Prabhudeva as Krishna Kumar
Tamannaah as Devi/ Ruby
Sonu Sood as Raj Khanna
Murali Sharma as Sonu's Uncle
RJ Balaji as Krishna's Friend
Amy Jackson as Special Appearance in Song
Producer: Sonu Sood, Prabhudeva, Dr. K. Ganesh
Director: A. L. Vijay
Music: Sajid-Wajid, Vishal Mishra, Raaj Aashoo
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