So the distinction between the living soul and the dead body — anyone can perceive. What is the distinction between a living body and the dead body? When a man is dead, he, his relatives cry, lament: “Oh, my father has gone,” “My son has gone.” But the father, as we have seen, he’s lying on the floor. Where he has gone? He’s lying on the floor. Why you are crying: “Oh, my father has gone away”? That means the person who has gone away, who has left this body, you have not, never seen. You have seen this body. So the body is lying there, and why you are crying, “My father has gone away”? So any intelligent man can understand that the real father, within the body, was a different thing. But our ignorance is so great that we accept this body, this dead body, as my father. This body is not only dead now, it was always dead. Because the living soul was there, within this dead body, it was moving. This is the fact. Just like a nice motorcar is running. But when the driver is not there, the motor is lying there, idle. If one identifies with the motorcar, the driver of the car, that is foolishness. Yasyatma-buddhih kunape tri-dhatuke [SB 10.84.13]. Anyone who is identifying this dead body, or this material body, which is a composition of tri-dhatuka, kapha-pitta-vayu, some blood, flesh, and some secretion, and some bones — if anyone identifies the self with this lump of matter, then he is described as no better than cow and ass.@ISKCONJuhuTemple @hktv108 @ISKCONDwarka @ISKCONVrndavan @iysmumbai @iskcondelhitv @myashraya
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