The MOST DEADLY Weapons Of Cad Bane

Описание к видео The MOST DEADLY Weapons Of Cad Bane

Cad Bane is one of the greatest Bounty Hunters of all time, owing largely to his skill but also to his use of obscure and deadly weaponry. During his early years, Cad Bane had worked with and was mentored by the father of Boba, Jango Fett. From him, he learned about the rare and dangerous weaponry used by the Mandalorians that was often used to combat force-sensitives. If you wanted to be the best of the best, skill could only get you so far and Cad Bane knew this. Today we will be exploring some of the weapons Cad Bane had in both canon and legends, discussing how they worked and what made them so deadly.

But before we start I’d just like to say a big thank you for 200,000 subscribers over on my main channel. Ill probably only be uploading shorts and 1-2 minute videos over on Vader’s Fortress due to algorithm reasons but ill be posting longer content over on this channel, so make sure to subscribe if you haven't already.

Anyway back to the video. First of all, let's start with a legends weapon that was extremely deadly against Jedi. And I do apoligise for the lack of images, unfortunately there was never an official image of this super deadly and unique weapon. I’ve mentioned a few times over on VF how in actuality, regular guns or slugthrowers as they were known in Star Wars were highly effective against Jedi. Instead of being deflected like a blaster bolt, a slug would melt upon contact with a lightsaber, causing supersonic molten metal to fly into the face of the Jedi.

Of course, Cad Bane knew this and utlised skugthrowers for this very reason just like other bounty hunters such as Aura sing.. However, Cad Bane took this a step further. Especially during his early career, he utlised slugs made of pure cortosis. For those of you unfamiliar with this metal, it could vbe woven into armour to make an alloy that was almost completely resistant to lightsaber strikes. However, pure cortosis was even more unique and upon contact with a lightsaber would completely short out the blade for several hours.

Cad Bane had the absolutely ingenious idea of make bullets out of cortosis. Not only would the bullet melt and spray the Jedi with moltern metal, it would cause the lightsaber blade to extinguish, allowing Cad Bane to easily finish them off. However, the Cortosis shot as it was known did have its drawbacks. Pure cortosis was very expensive and also wrecked the barrel of the slugthrower, eventually leading to Bane abandoning this weapon.

One of the reasons he probably gave up his cortosis shot slugthrower was due to the effectivness of his modified LL-30 blaster pistols, or as Bane called them, his persuaders. Like Jango Fett’s pistols, these were made with a special alloy that dissipated heat very quickly, preventing them from overheating. This allowed for a very high rate of fire which would overwhelm the defences of most Jedi, making them the perfect weapons for a bounty hunter like Cad Bane.

Next up we have his breathing tubes. And these arent exactly deadly but they are extremely useful in countering the force abilities of Sith Lords so I thought they deserved a mention. Many assume that Cad Bane requires these as he is an alien species, requiring the appatatus to breathe in an oxygen rich atmosphere much like Plo Koon. However, this is not the case. Cad Bane was a Duro, an ancient species distantly related to the neimoidians who were very much capable of breathing in oxygen rich atmospheres. However, like most of his equipment, the breathing tubes were specifically designed to help him defeat force sensitives. Not only could they help him breath in hostile environments, they provided him with oxygen even if he was force choked, an especially useful weapon for a bounty hunter that spent a lot of time working for Sith Lords with the nasty habit of force choking those they were displeased with.

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