हात्ती प्रजनन केंद्र हेर्न पर्यटकहरु निकै आकर्षित भएका छन,सौरहा elephant breeding center ,chitwan

Описание к видео हात्ती प्रजनन केंद्र हेर्न पर्यटकहरु निकै आकर्षित भएका छन,सौरहा elephant breeding center ,chitwan

The unique center was established in 1985 for the captive breeding of domesticated elephant trapping for domestication. in Sauraha the Elephant breeding center was set up to protect the endangered elephants in the region. There are often many baby elephants there and a small museum. The center is walkable from Sauraha but it will take 1 hour depending on the heat and road conditions. Tours or rickshaw transport are available part of the way.

Entrance prices are 100 rupees for a foreigner (westerner), 50 SAARC, 25 Nepalese. Opening hours are 6am to 6pm though generally it starts to close around 5pm.


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