Why Your Platform Monolith Is Probably a Bad Idea - David Leitner - NDC Porto 2023

Описание к видео Why Your Platform Monolith Is Probably a Bad Idea - David Leitner - NDC Porto 2023

This talk was recorded at NDC Porto in Porto, Portugal. #ndcporto #ndcconferences #devops #developer #softwaredeveloper

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Recently, developer platforms have regained popularity as they attempt to reduce the constantly growing cognitive load upon engineering teams.

Many organizations follow that trend in building their own developer platforms to increase the efficiency of their engineering teams.

But what when these platforms turn into what we wanted to avoid in the first place: beasts that can hardly be tamed, eating up cognitive load of engineers, and ultimately being doomed to fail? Then we've most likely landed in the world of platform monoliths, an emerging anti-pattern. Monolithic platforms lead to a large blast radius, a lack of adaptability to evolution, and a heavy loss in overall engineering efficiency.

Without doubt, for many high-paced organizations, developer platforms can be a game-changing tool. In this talk, I will share strategies and methods to overcome the fallacies of building platform monoliths and instead to create a foundation that truly accelerates your engineering impact. Together we will rethink our understanding of platforms and what is necessary to unleash their full potential.


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