[Boris Tishchenko] The Siege Chronicle Symphony Op.92 (Score-Video)

Описание к видео [Boris Tishchenko] The Siege Chronicle Symphony Op.92 (Score-Video)

This symphony is a single-movement symphony.

Anton Lubchenko / Sochi Symphony Orchestra


The symphony is based on material from the soundtrack to the play “Such a long Winter” by Yuri Voronov that was written in the same year 1984. Most probably, it is for this reason that the music itself in the symphony contains vivid non-musical associations. Although the symphony has no particular program, the landscape of its content is so spectacular and sculptured that it needs no special comment.

The symphony opens in a powerful sound of chords payed by the brass, which is followed by a developed picture of the Nazi offensive. Sounds of Morse apparatuses. buildings failing into pieces, gunshots, and glissandos of the brass fuse into one horrible picture of chaos and destruction.

After the volume of the sound has reached extreme limits, the strain gradually vanishes. Against the background of resonant quarters, distinctive rhythmic figures appear now and then (those heard before from the Morse apparatuses), binging us cose to the second section. The section begins in hollow, frozen sounds of low-pitched strings and winds, which are followed by an expressive tune of the violins. Transformation of the tune's material begins, and next, against the background of a Whistling tremolo of high-pitched strings, the cor anglais intones a new theme that is gradually dissolved in dead-cold passages of high-pitched woodwinds. Gradually, the motion is getting slower preparing the next episode: one more theme is played by muted violins, which is then followed by a battle scene. Its core Is formed by acute rhythms of the percussion, flourish of the brass, and rapid passages of the woodwinds, which arc suddenly interrupted at the culmination point.

A new section is opened by an acutely expressive sound of the strings, followed by a subdued painfully nostalgic waltz played by clarinets. Again, a developed battle scene appears, which is repeatedly pierced by the theme of the brass that opened the symphony, Especially expressive is its ending: after the triumphant culmination, the waltz reappears out of complete silence, as if embodying the image of the Past living in our memory and never surrendering to oblivion.

(Source from Booklet, written by Andrey Denisov)


I do not own neither the score, nor the recordings used in this video. This is only for educational purposes. If you have any complaints regarding copyright issues, please write to me directly at asorabji20(at)gmail(dot)com before submitting a report to YouTube and I will remove the video as soon as possible.


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