Interview with Anne Baring, Ph.D. about her new book: Messages from a Transcendent Dimension (2023)

Описание к видео Interview with Anne Baring, Ph.D. about her new book: Messages from a Transcendent Dimension (2023)

Anne Baring's websites: https:/ and https:/
Heather's website: https:/
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Anne's bio: Anne Baring, MA Oxon. 1981. PhD (Hons) in Wisdom Studies Ubiquity University 2018. Jungian Analyst, author and co-author of 8 books including, with Jules Cashford, "The Myth of the Goddess; Evolution of an Image"; with Andrew Harvey, "The Mystic Vision and The Divine Feminine"; with Dr. Scilla Elworthy, "Soul Power: An Agenda for a Conscious Humanity". Also a book for children, "The Birds Who Flew Beyond Time". Her most recent book is "The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest for the Soul" (updated and reprinted 2020).

The ground of all her work is a deep interest in the spiritual, mythological, shamanic and artistic traditions of different cultures and the rehabilitation of the Divine Feminine aspect of the God-head—the Holy Spirit. Her two websites are devoted to the affirmation of a new vision of reality and the issues facing us at this crucial time of choice. She is currently working on a book about the Holy Spirit.


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