Eight Princes Music & Lyric - Total War: Three Kingdoms Soundtrack (The Quatrain of Seven Steps)

Описание к видео Eight Princes Music & Lyric - Total War: Three Kingdoms Soundtrack (The Quatrain of Seven Steps)

The Seven Steps Verse, also known as the Quatrain of Seven Steps, is a highly allegorical poem that is usually attributed to the poet Cao Zhi. The poem's first appeared in the classic text Shishuo Xinyu, published in 430. The famed scene (79th hui) describes Cao Pi's suspicions of his brother Cao Zhi trying to usurp his rule (Cao Pi was also jealous of his brother's talents, particularly his masterful command of imagery). Consequently, Cao Zhi is summoned to the court and is issued an ultimatum in which he must produce a poem within seven strides such that Cao Pi is convinced of his innocence. Cao Zhi does so, and Cao Pi becomes so flustered with emotion that he spares his brother, although he later exacts punishment upon Cao Zhi in the form of demotion. The poem itself is written in the traditional five-character quatrain style and is an extended metaphor that describes the relationship of two brothers and the ill-conceived notion of one harming the other over petty squabbling.


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