The 'Red Heifer Prophecy' in Israel about to be Fulfilled? LATEST UPDATE!

Описание к видео The 'Red Heifer Prophecy' in Israel about to be Fulfilled? LATEST UPDATE!

Rico Cortes and Joseph Good, go into an in-depth discussion about the latest developments regarding the Red Heifer from first hand accounts directly from Israel.

During these prophetic times it's imperative that we are always striving our best to hear the information with people who have direct knowledge of the current situation. There is much prophecy being spoken about during the past few months regarding the Red Heifers, the Eclipse happening on April 8, 2024, but we think i's very important for believers to do their best to get the most updated and credible information, not only based on speculation, but also facts, so we hope that you enjoy our video and it's of value to you.

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